Reflections and Blogs


Living Water is a blog which aims to promote contemplative wisdom, Christian meditation and the Christian contemplative tradition. Its editor and main contributor, Roland Ashby, has been a meditator and member of the WCCM for 20 years, and is a Benedictine Oblate. See

Meditation and the environment is a blog exploring environmental issues from a meditator’s perspective Janet O’Sullivan is the editor of the blog and has been a meditator and a champion of environmental issues for many years. See

Climate Emergency Short Films A series of five short films featuring 12 world-renowned climate scientists. These short films are free and are available at:

Contemplative Path Through The Crisis 

  • Inter-contemplative dialogues between Fr Laurence and others link

  • A Contemplative Approach to Covid-19 Crisis - Audio link

  • Rev Dr Sarah Bachelard talks - A living hope: The shape of Christian Virtue link